Friday, February 11, 2011

Cat Head Biscuits Part II

It has been chilly lately.  One way to keep warm in a cold house is to fire up the gas oven and bake.  I've baked the past two days in an attempt to warm my old bones.  This morning I revisited the Cat Head Biscuit recipe.  When I first made the biscuits, I was disappointed because they crumbled too easily. Putting jelly on them proved to be a challenge.  What I'm looking for is a biscuit that will hold a hunk of sausage, or a few slices of bacon  and jelly.   So, today, I rolled out the biscuits and baked them close together in a 13X9X2 pan. 

 I think you'll agree, they came out pretty good.   Now for the sausage test.

Ahhhhh... much better!  The Cat Head Biscuits rolled out and cut with a biscuit cutter were much more to my liking.  The biscuits are light and fluffy but still substantial.  One of these for breakfast and you'll be ready to chop some wood!  I'm not sure they are my all time favorite biscuit, though.  I think the expensive cake flour would be better used in something like... a cake.  More biscuits to come.

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